Heart Healthy Habits

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heart healthy

Placing a ‘heart healthy’ label on all our habits whether mentally or vocally makes a difference in how we live. As I opted how to spend my Monday at home, I (Litsa) nestled into something comfortable to wear that I could workout in between blogging posts. I wanted a bit of comfort food since the cool, spring air reminded me of my love of warm foods—a vegetable medley was my choice of food for lunch and water was my beverage. Each choice received a ‘heart healthy’ label that I felt good about and although I’m not outside clocking miles for my monthly goal, I’m using the times I get up from writing to work in mini-workout sessions. On my desk are other little magazine tidbits that encourage me to choose to live healthy—

1. Toss seeds/nuts on everything. This tidbit reminded me of the plate of Trail Mix Cookies that I pulled out for unexpected, overnight company for breakfast. My parents, aunt, and uncle all enjoyed coffee but not without a bite of decadent breakfast—omega threes that mingled with a touch of sugar. The cookies were filled with pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, and pecans.

2. Spice it up. Some spices can help relieve harmful inflammation, reduce, cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. Ginger was served at the breakfast table too with fresh apples——-a small dose of fresh juice for everyone to taste alongside with the traditional fresh squeezed orange juice——-and the grinder of Himalyan Pink Salt was passed around the breakfast table too. Conversation of which foods to buy adds to the multitude of ‘heart healthy’ labels we can include in our days. Another great spice to add into your diet is turmeric.

3. Mini workouts. I think I might need a small break. How many jumping jacks will get my ticker moving? Yours? Running in place or just standing to read a magazine article. What’s your definition of a mini workout!?! Don’t think it. Do it.

4. Meditate for ten minutes or more. Sometimes filling our house or day with more noise just stresses us out more. This season, I have allowed the televisions, ipad, ipod, social media, etc. moments of silence. I’m getting more accomplished in the dead zones of my day which are really LIVING zones—stress free work areas. The silence also leaves room for quite meditating moments that I’m keenly aware of my heart rate and/or anxiety levels that I must monitor to stay ‘heart healthy’ throughout the day, week, month. You might also try corpse pose in yoga to help you meditate.

Living ‘heart healthy’ is a matter of the mind meeting the heart with every beat…every breath we take. Are you living healthy?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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