Importance of Corpse Pose in Yoga

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When I first started practicing yoga, I didn’t understand the importance of corpse pose. For the first few weeks I would sometimes skip the last five minutes of my yoga DVD eager to get on with my day. I then came to realize that corpse pose was an integral part of yoga. It’s a chance to look inward and assess your body. A time for meditation, calm and quiet.

M Savasana

Corpse pose is also known as Savasana. To do this asana, lie flat on your back with your arms and legs spread. The goal is to completely release all tension. Take deep breaths with your belly rising and falling. Scan all parts of your body to release any muscular tension.

At first when I started doing corpse pose, I found it hard to release all tension. I would find myself tightening up various muscles in my legs and my hands. Once I started really going inward and scanning my body, I was able top release that tension.

So why is savasana so important?

Now that I know how to scan my body and release tension, I am more able to relax muscles during my work day. Plus, it is usually the only time that I get a few minutes of quiet in my day. Focus on deep breathing and use your breath to relax your muscles. A time to look inward. A time to reflect. A time to make adjustments- mentally and physically.

So the next time you do yoga, don’t skip corpse pose!

P.S. My 7 year old Capt. M, gladly posed for the pictures I needed for this post. Both of my boys are learning yoga right along with me!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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