Try Something New: Hibiscus Berry RUNA

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hibiscus berryHave you tried RUNA clean energy hibiscus berry tea!?!

It was recently featured on ibotta so I (Litsa) gave it a try.

The bottle says, “Guayusa is a native Amazonian super leaf that gives you clean energy by balancing as much caffeine as a cup of coffee with a high antioxidant ORAC value. Indigenous people in the Ecuadorian Amazon have brewed guayusa like tea for thousands of years as an essential part of what makes them “Runa”–fully alive. Unlike traditional teas, it contains no tannins, so it tastes surprisingly smooth and naturally sweet.”

Want to learn more about the journey of RUNA—visit!?!

The hibiscus berry tea was smooth and naturally sweet. I enjoyed the tea in a bottle on the go—14 fl. oz over the course of two days. There were only 50 calories in the bottle but 14g of sugar within this one serving of tea (1 bottle). I enjoyed drinking it since I love teas and juices.

Would I buy it again!?! For an on the go TREAT, yes…especially during the warm days of spring and the hot days of summer.

RUNA tea is available to brew too.

Have you tried RUNA teas?

Bing Photo Credit

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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