Random Acts of Kindness Week | #RAKWeek2015

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Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 9th, is rolling into RAK—Random Acts of Kindness Week! Are you ready to flood social media with kindness this week?

What’s on your mind today? Can you find a few minutes to do something nice for a loved one (or a stranger!) to kick off this week long event!?! Are you willing to cook dinner for a struggling neighbor, or pay for the car behind you in the drive-through?

What you do doesn’t matter as much as THAT you DO act in KINDNESS!?! When we take time to do for others, we feel good about ourselves. Those watching us (our children or the cashier clerk or…..the lady behind us in line or….) might in turn continue the chain of kindness too! Isn’t this what it’s all about in life……..helping one another get through the hurdles!?!

It was just last month. We had spent a gorgeous weekend outdoors cleaning up our leaves (5 hours plus). The next day, my daughter noticed our eighty year old plus neighbor raking her yard. “Mommy, don’t you think we should go help her!?!” My schedule—our schedule was packed but nothing was more important than taking thirty minutes out of our day to stop what we were doing to talk and help our favorite neighbor.

Every act of kindness gains momentum. It puts pep in your step and helps the world revolve into a better place. You can choose today to change your own perspective and the world’s with your choices.

Choose a random act of kindness today!

Visit www.randomactsofkindess.org/Facebook page for more Ideas

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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