Create A Clean Eating Checklist

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clean eating

With the arrival of November, you might be vamping up your menu plan to include special dishes and/or ditching the plan all together because you are too busy! IS your holiday mood already on the edge!?! Wait—don’t forget ‘The Food Rivarly: Good vs. Junk’….what we put in comes out! Drained? What are you eating? Begin there………and then create a list of everything else that is stretching you thin (not literately–unfortunately)!?! From that list you can begin to cross out what is not serving you in your life right now.  But for this clean eating checklist task, all you will need is a pen and paper….unless you are counting what you are eating…..then you’ll need a surplus of clean eating fruits and veggies.

The Challenge: Create A Clean Eating Checklist

You can create this ‘Clean Eating Checklist’ for yourself and/or for your family (We want them in a good mood too!). Every time you eat a different clean food, write it down. Or add a little math to the challenge and tally the food item you tend to eat more of (like five bananas, two spinach salads, etc.) throughout the week.

Allow this clean eating checklist to emerge. What are you eating? Is there a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables? Do you need to focus more on fruits or vegetables? What colors are you eating? Allow this checklist to encourage you to eat more greens, root vegetables, red fruits, etc. Use the list to encourage yourself to buy something different to eat this week (like pomegranates or star fruit). How long has it been since your family has tried something new? What will you all try this week?

Including your family in creating a clean eating checklist is a great way of communicating food choices. It’s one choice that affects the family budget, your health, moods, and more. We may think about it unconsciously but being keenly aware about our food really does matter.


Here’s my clean eating checklist from last week: Watermelon, acorn squash, snap peas, cucumbers, bell peppers, garlic, ginger, yellow potatoes, pumpkin, radishes, bananas, green chard, spinach, cilantro, parsley, kale, mustard greens, german greens, coconut, apples, pears, grapes, plum, peaches, grapes, strawberries, lemon, pomegranate (Note a few of these were in the form of fresh juices that I had leftover before my juicer’s lift basket broke! Juicing is only one way to get in more fruits and vegetables this season. Snacking is another….what’s on your snack list this week?).

Take the Clean Eating Checklist Challenge.

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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