Jump for Stronger Bones

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jumping“Stress is a good thing when it comes to your bones. But new research says that most of us don’t get the impact our skeletons need—brisk walking, for instance, won’t do the trick. What will: 20 jumps per day. Premenopausal women who tried this increased their hip-bone density by 0.5% after 4 months, while women who didn’t jump lost an average of 1.3%. Bone is a living tissue; it adapts when stressed! Jumping puts impact on hip and leg muscles which in turn stress the bones they are attached to.”

Who knew!?!

I (Litsa) have been discovering the FACTS embedded in these statements that I found in Prevention’s magazine this month. Last March (2013), I started belting out jumping jacks……20…25…50….100….300 a day. Additionally, my daughter’s new trampoline has been a jumping cushion for me too…….”Jump, Mommy, jump!”

Only after 10 to 15 minutes of jumping, I know that I have had a full body workout! I feel stronger than ever in my overall body. Thus, I’m confident that my bones are stronger too. I’m that premenopausal woman at 39 and if I can avoid injury, I’ll continue jumping weekly to maintain stronger bones.

Jumping only takes minutes a day! While I’m waiting for my daughter to start walking to the car from the park’s swings, I can belt out 50 jacks or more. Waiting for coffee to brew….ten more or fifty….keep pushing yourself……

Or jump rope!?!

Just jump—you can rest in between as you build endurance and strengthen your muscles/bones all at once!

Don’t miss last summer’s jumping post: Bounce, Bounce, Bounce to Fitness

Bing Photo Credit

Prevention Magazine Bone Strength Credit for Info

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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