Perennials: Saving Your Geraniums

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Geraniums are one of my favorite flowers! They evoke childhood memories of our vacations in Greece. These geraniums silently awaited us at my grandparent’s house in Ano Ravenia, a remote, northern village in Greece. They were planted in tin cans from Feta cheese and/or olive oil lining the outdoor steps from my mother’s one bedroom family home to their outhouse. Their simple beauty captivated my childhood eye and have remained in my heart forever. Each spring when their beauty emerges again, I reach for a few planters to take home to re-pot. I enjoy them throughout the late spring and late summer, after vacationing in Greece.

These geraniums love the Tennessee heat and recently we’ve discovered that they love miracle grow too! This year, I bought small geraniums for my backdoor planters (around $6-$8) from Lowe’s. I repotted them and my husband took to watering them with Miracle Grow. In just a few days, a difference in their small form showed! They were massive——captivating!

I’ve always known to deadhead them frequently when I walk by them to keep the plants tidy and promote more blooms. However, this summer while in Greece I read in my June 2012 issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine that these geraniums are perennial; they’re just not frost-tolerant! Thus, this year my favorite geraniums that I toss when I’m ready for fall’s cooler temperatures will remain apart of our household!

BHG notes that “to store geraniums for winter shake off soil, then wrap in newspaper. Store in a dark, cool place. Soak roots once a month. Repot in the spring.” Additionally, they state that, “it’s easy to make new plants from geranium cuttings. Simply place cuttings in water. Once roots develop, plant each cutting in a pot filled with potting soil.” To read more about the vast varieties for geraniums for every use, whether you’re planting in pots, beds, or baskets go to

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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