Are Pomegranates Affordable!?!

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kroger 004You may have already seen these ruby red pomegranates at your local Kroger and/or grocery store! I spotted them at Kroger but there was no price tag. Thus, I didn’t purchase them. Today, I saw a price tag of $1.99/pomegranate so I continued walking past the BIG box! With excitement in her voice, I heard “Mommy, we haven’t had those in a loooong time!” Thus, we put our shopping cart in reverse and placed two pomegranates in to purchase!

Was it a deal!?! Well, it depends on what type of deal. My five year old didn’t ask for packaged cookies or lunchables or candy——–she asked for grapes and for pomegranates. Both had steep price tags attached to them but we purchased only as many as we’d eat this week. In our trip to Kroger, I was buying free shampoo and Mentos gum at $0.25 a pack. We had meals planned for the rest of the week with nothing left to purchase. Thus, it was a deal——-an affordable deal.

I chose to buy these pomegranates at $1.99 each because healthy eating on a budget is doable! We can do without processed, unhealthy goods for two of these jewels! We can also use our stockpiles of shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, and more to make up for the difference of buying produce at higher prices.

As a Mom, I want to teach my daughter about deals but not at the cost of her health! Healthy pomegranates are always affordable.

Side note: My parents would not have bought them at that price. They always chose the cheapest fruits and vegetables to feed us because they had (four children to feed)—–and because they were diligent about waiting out sales on seasonal fruit/vegetables. WE always had fruit/vegetable options at home growing up but at the right cost. I value this ‘learning experience’ too. In my Kroger shopping trip today, I didn’t want to tell my daughter they were too expensive to buy because she had made good, healthy decisions in what to buy to eat. Additionally, I had the coupon/deal stockpiles in my favor to pull from to keep the budget balanced. However, I will discuss cost effectiveness with her as she’s older—a great math lesson!!

What are your thoughts!?!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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