The Smartphone Savings Folder

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apps on phoneIf you own a smartphone and love SAVING money, you should have a folder labeled SAVINGS or My Savings!?! The name is totally up to you! Within that ‘Savings’ folder, you will want to house all the money saving apps that you personally use. You can even move the apps around to order the ones you ‘touch’ daily or weekly! Then on to those that you randomly use when you are out shopping/saving money. There’s always a deal lurking in a corner. Many times right there in the palm of your hand. Think through where you shop most often and download the right apps to save time and money!

Along with my money apps: Ibotta, Jingit, Checkout51, Shopmium (use referral code GHGMMMPA), Walgreens, Kroger—-I also have Target Cartwheel in my Savings folder! I use it only when I’m preparing a trip to Target or when I find myself already in Target shopping. This past weekend the Target Cartwheel app saved me 20% on wrapping paper!

coke rewards

I also like My Coke Rewards! This app comes in handy when I find coke caps on my walks and/or picking up litter in and around our yard—-or if I’m with a friend that doesn’t redeem them. I don’t drink Coke at all but the freebies from the caps are wonderful. I have scored many different FREE Shutterfly items with these codes.

bing appI love the new BING app too! I use it daily to search—click, click, click—and my 10 daily Bing points are added to my account. This means free Amazon cards when I have enough for my goal. They add up quickly in just minutes a day—but don’t forget your daily PC points too!

hog receiptReceipt Hog is another favorite money saving app for earning Amazon gift cards. All I have to do is take pictures of my receipts! EASY!

What money saving apps are at your fingertips this season?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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