How to Do a Squat Correctly

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I have seen many squat challenges over the last few months on pinterest and facebook. It’s important to learn how to do a squat correctly in order to prevent injuries. Plus a squat is something you can use in your day to day life picking up objects! You will prevent back injuries if you learn to squat properly when picking up an object instead of doing the usually bending over that many people do.

Squats work many major muscles all at once: the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and lower back muscles.

Correct Squat

The Correct Way to do a Basic Squat

You want to keep your heels grounded as you squat. If you have your weight over your toes, you will break your knees forward over your toes. For a prpoer squat, you want to keep your knees back behind your toes. Push your hips and glutes backwards as you keep the weight in the heel of your foot. Your upper body should stay somewhat erect and your neck in neutral position. Keep your shoulders back by pulling your shoulder blades together.

Incorrect Way to do a Basic Squat

Wrong Squat

As you can see in this picture, my knees are over the toes. My upper torso is leaning forward and the weight is more in the toes.

Squat against wall

To train your self to keep your knees back and your upper body erect, practice a basic squat against a wall. Place your toes against the wall with your hands on the wall. Start squatting down pushing your hips and glutes back. The wall will prevent your knees from coming forward.

I encourage you to learn how to do a basic squat correctly and use it in your day to day life. Not only will you protect your back, you will get a workout throughout the day!

Disclosure: I am not a fitness professional; just a mom sharing my knowledge that I have gained from my coach. Please consult a professional before starting any exercise regimen.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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