Try Something New: The Mediterranean Diet

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med map

May is International Mediterranean Diet Month: “This month-long promotional campaign, created in 2009 by Oldways and the Mediterranean Foods Alliance, generates awareness of the delicious foods and amazing health benefits associated with the Mediterranean Diet and its vibrant lifestyle through media, supermarkets, health professionals and social networking. Each year, more people discover the fabulous flavors and accessible, affordable foods that make up this remarkable way of eating.”

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

“The Mediterranean Diet is a way of eating based on the traditional foods (and drinks) of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Diet is not a diet, as in “go on a diet,” even though it is a great way to lose weight or improve your health. Rather, it is a lifestyle – including foods, activities, meals with friends and family, and wine in moderation with meals. It’s easy to understand what it is by thinking about Mediterranean dishes or “plates.” For instance, think about these simple, yet healthy and delicious dishes:”

A Greek Salad: Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, olives, feta cheese, olive oil, and vinegar—a touch of sea salt and a dash of oregano adds a finishing touch!

greek salad

Another favorite summer dish of mine is: Briam (which can be altered in many ways to make it different every time)—perfect when vegtables are in abundance in June, July, and August! “Briam is an oven roasted vegetable dish that can be adapted according to what is in season. Layers of vegetables are baked in a savory tomato sauce and served either as the main meal or as a tasty side dish.”

As a Greek-American (born in Greece/raised in American), I (Litsa) love the Mediterranean Diet! It’s always what I desire—decadent dishes that are healthy and flavorful making me want more, time with family and friends, activities that I enjoy, and a touch of red wine!

Each year when the school year comes to an end, I’m also eager to embrace this Mediterranean Diet in Greece at our family home. As I begin packing, I welcome you to try a few Mediterranean dishes that you too will fall in love with——-and better yet, share them with your family and friends!

Bing: Photo Credit for Greek Salad and Map.

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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