What’s On Your Summer Reading List?

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Recently, Renae blogged about FREE Kids Summer Reading Programs 2012. This post had me instantly thinking back to my own childhood as I walked to the local library with stacks of books as I participated in summer reading programs myself.

Now, my reading time is filled with books that range from Ladybug Girl, Bumblebee Boy to The Very Hungry Caterpillar to Are you my Mother? and many other favorites that are my daughter’s books not my own! I love to read to her and allow language to come alive through the language of the book’s storyline. Beyond, reading to my soon to be four year old, I love to read too! Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day to exercise, clean, blog, run errands———-and read but I keep stacks of books and magazines around to read so that my little one SEES me reading! She loves for me to lie with her during nap time and at bedtime so I carry my stack of magazines to her room——-or my book.

Once when she was younger, she asked me why I was “looking at my book”! I had to explain that I was reading silently. If the book and/or magazine is “kid friendly” I love to read my reading material aloud to her. The richness of the vocabulary in my genres are different than her current reading level. Occasionally, she’ll repeat a word throughout our hours together but more importantly she has a visual of me reading.

What’s on your summer reading list? Do you follow The New York Times Bestseller list? Are your books and/or magazines hard copies or installed directly to your Nook, Kindle, or Tablet?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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