Balance: Living on Less vs. Buying More

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Dave Card

Dave Ramsey’s Facebook memos always help refocus my (Litsa’s) attention on money matters. I’m already self-conscious about living within our means but I love beautiful accessories for our home, myself, and my daughter. Additionally, I like to be comfortable—–a/c, vehicles, nice hotel rooms when traveling, decadent dishes, and more! That’s why I work for Renae at How to Have it All! And as Ashley, our recipe guru, loves to joke—I want it all! Ha! Thus, when Dave’s reminder, “Living on less than you make is a matter of controlling yourself, not a matter of math.“, came across my feed today, I stopped to reflect.

Yes. I can stack the snowballs from smallest to greatest and negate debt quickly by staying close to home, buying less, using what we have, eating in, and more. However, which path do I take when I want the latest gadget? A new dress? Shoes for the fall? Art lessons for my daughter? A new vehicle?

I can’t lie. I love to splurge on my family and myself as much as I love to save money. However, with only one major income—-my husband’s, I have to stop and think about how each purchase will affect our family. Not only now but a week from now or a month from now. Little bills add up quickly. Thus, one pair of shoes for $50 isn’t much until the next bill comes in the mail to pay or the day for a direct withdraw draft draws nearer.

Budgets are important. Waiting to purchase wants is a must. Living on less is doable! WE don’t have to have ALL the latest gadgets. Create memories from spending time together not buying more to entertain the toy bins. Reuse and repurpose items at home. Buy second hand. Enjoy coffee at home with a friend rather than meeting at Starbucks. Tackle projects with friends and family members rather than hiring them out. I love bartering—give and take! And luckily, my immigrant parents taught me how to live on less so I know how to do that too—–but I love the glamorous touches too.

Balance. Always eager to reflect on where I am today, where I’ve been and where I’m going? With a daughter, my decisions matter. All of them—even whether to swing by the Sonic for sweet tea or drive a mile home to serve it to her in our kitchen.

She asks and waits for my response. My actions matter.

Do Dave’s daily quotes help you reflect on financial matters?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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