Bare Skin Necessities

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water skin

There are many HEALTHY habits that help any problem and make skin look great! However, Natural Health (March/April 2014) pinpointed three habits that are perfect to revisit as we wrap up winter and spring closer to a new season in our lives.

1. EAT YOUR WATER. Yep, eat! You still need to drink up, but sticking to a healthy diet of vegetables and fruit will hydrate your skin from the inside, while also feeding it nutrients. To reap the benefits, add more watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini and carrots to your plate.

2. USE SUNSCREEN FAITHFULLY. Slathering on SPF all year round, even when it’s rainy or overcast, is the only guaranteed way to prevent a slew of skin problems. Need convincing? A recent study in the Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research journal showed that broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) almost completely blocks damaging UV rays, which means it’s highly effective in the fight against skin cancer. Choose a formula with physical blockers, like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, and apply a nickle-size-amount (no less!) all over your face, neck and chest.

3. HIT THE HAY EARLIER. Growth hormones are released during non-REM sleep (what’s believed to be the most refreshing and restorative period of sleep, when your heart rate and blood pressure decrease, allowing your body to fully rest), research in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews found. The more of those hormones you have, the more youthful skin looks. Zzzz!

How good does your skin look!?!

Credit to Natural Health for these THREE habits we can embrace this season!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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