Bargain Shop: Never Pay Retail Prices

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black sweater

This past weekend as much as two of us needed to stay home to rest……we (Litsa & daughter) opted for shopping in the city!?! The last days of summer were ‘TWO’ few to count. And with the promise of fall’s cooler temperatures, a few new wardrobe pieces were needed—-especially for skinny, long legs (the six year old)!?!

The budget was tight—–or so I WANTED and NEEDED to maintain a limit to what we were buying. The retail stores’ colors, textures, bargains, patterns, and more ALL make us want more. As many times as my six year old said, “I want…..” aloud, I said it silently—-each time making myself walk away. I always give my daughter a FOCUS point of our shopping excursions. This past Saturday’s focus was ‘Clothes for Sophia for cooler temperatures’. Thus, each time we opted to look or gravitate towards something we wanted but didn’t need, we stated the FOCUS aloud (or for me, silently).

The SALE racks were loaded—30% to 80% off. However, if I added in coupons and/or apps—the prices were grand! The best deal was this fitted, sparkly sweater——X marked the treasure! It was originally $54 at Kohl’s. In hand, I had a $10 off coupon for one item. However, in my shopping cart, I also had a few clothing selections for my daughter. Thus, I need to save even more money. I asked the cashier if I could use a coupon from online in addition to the $10 paper coupon. He said that I could. It was Friends & Family day at Kohl’s. I’ve never been a frequent shopper at Kohl’s so I didn’t have the coupon and/or charge card. I didn’t want the charge card but I DID WANT the savings. I asked the cashier if I could take a minute to look on my iphone. Bingo! The 20% coupon was on my SavingStar app. Thus, the new changes that SavingStar has been implementing helped me save big bucks—well not big but enough! Not only did I SCORE this classy sweater for my wardrobe but I also saved $85.60 off my total.

matching pjs

One sweater for me (pictured above), two gymnastic/workout FILA gear shorts for my daughter (for Christmas), one top for my daughter (for Christmas), one pajama for my daughter with a matching pajama for her doll……and one pair of leggings for my daughter’s fall wardrobe….only $34.24—I walked out feeling good about our purchases. We were able to stay within budget. I was reminded that bargain shopping is key; that it is imperative to stick to the list (Note: The Christmas items will be used prior to Christmas only if skinny, long legs grows into them prior to December 25th. Otherwise, she’ll get these clothing items for part of her Christmas stash.), use cash, maximize savings with coupons (printable/online/apps), and never, ever pay RETAIL prices!

How do you save money while shopping for new wardrobes as the season begins to mandate different types of clothing/shoes?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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