Bounce, Bounce, Bounce to Fitness

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girl on trampolineAs I (Litsa) read about a new fitness trend, the trampoline workout, in my summer issue of Redbook, I thought about my five year old’s delight. She would beam with a wide mouth grin and wear me out before I even got started jumping! But I read on because what would be more delightful than bouncing around like a child adding delight in my own child’s heart. “We’re having fun in this bed Mommy, aren’t we?” she laughed hugging my neck this afternoon. A few silly phrases and time snuggling before naptime delighted her. How much more would the two of us jumping around on a trampoline?  

Mini Band Fitness Trampoline

Jumping on the trampoline “elongates your muscles and makes you leaner!” Now, I’ll go for that too! Elongating my walking/running muscles and maintaining a lean build would be the icing on top for me.

Portable trampolines are called rebounders—about 4 feet wide and not even a foot off the ground (and can easily be stored under the bed). The Variflex 38 inch Mini Band Trampoline is available at for $30.

A few Redbook reader notations:

Anyone can bounce their way to a fitter, leaner build! Start with small bounces.

You have to engage your whole body, including your abs, to maintain your balance. Great for the core muscles too!

The up & down motion helps clear out your lymphatic system. Without proper lymph flow, you hold on to toxins that can lead to headaches.

A large trampoline was on our radar for her next birthday but we may have to invest in one sooner and/or borrow a friend’s and/or grandparent’s trampoline for a few scheduled jumping sessions!

Who’s ready to bounce, bounce, bounce away a few inches for elongated muscles?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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