Claritin Coupons

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$5.00 off Non-Drowsy Claritin Allergy Product
$2.00 off any Children's Claritin Allergy
$3.00 off any Children's Claritin Allergy
There are several Claritin Allergy coupons out there for those with allergies. Just last week my pediatrician’s nurse asked me if we are continuing to use Claritin with our toddler. We were not. However, sneezes five days ago brought our bottle back out of the medicine cabinet. Now, a runny nose and a watery eye may need Claritin or just a another doctor’s visit. Keep your medicine cabinet current for your family with these coupons and others.

$5.00 off Non-Drowsy Claritin Allergy Product
$2.00 off any Children’s Claritin Allergy
$3.00 off any Children’s Claritin Allergy

Use zip code 77477 to find these coupons!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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