A Clean Refrigerator

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clean-refrigeratorWe are a household of three. Two adults. One child.

Two of us enjoy breakfast at home seven days a week. Additionally, two of us have lunch and snacks daily from our refrigerator/pantry! Our family of three also enjoys dinners at home 95% of the month too. Thus, I (Litsa) love to have a refrigerator that is clean and organized!

I try to clean off one shelf or more at least once a week! I take everything off of that shelf and wipe everything down with Windex. Then, I neatly replace everything. It adds to the appeal of eating healthy meals from home! I also don’t have a BIG job waiting for me when life gets busy and/or the refrigerator becomes uninviting!

Today, I was out of bottled water and low on vegetables/fruits for my juices. Thus, I took advantage of pulling out both bottom drawers to wash them thoroughly!

If you have stockpiled butter, yogurts, and more this week in your refrigerator—use it first. Allow your refrigerated stockpile to dwindle on a ‘non-busy’ day of your week and pull everything out to clean it from top to bottom. Then, maintain refrigerator order and cleanliness throughout your week…one shelf or drawer at a time. Cleaning it once a week or more will keep the germs from living inside your refrigerator!?!

How often do you clean out your refrigerator?

Bing Photo Credit: Open Refrigerator

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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