Daddy Daycare: Airing the Dirty Laundry

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clothes line

On Easter Sunday my boys and I started our trek home from California. It’s a loooong story, but it ended up taking us 21 hours of travel to get home due to a cancelled flight. We arrived home just before 3am on Monday morning. Wow! I am still tired from that! Since the boys were asleep we just tucked them into bed in their clothes.

Anyways, I had to work Monday. Just a few hours of sleep for me and I left the boys at home to rest with daddy.

When I pulled down the driveway after work I saw two boys- my boys- in the same clothes I left them in. Same. Exact. Clothing.

Hmmm. The airlines did lose our luggage, I thought. Maybe hubby washed the boys clothes and then put the same ones back on? They couldn’t possibly be wearing the same clothes from the day before.

Well you all can guess what’s coming! Yes, they were the same clothes! Hubby “forgot” that we put them in bed with their regular clothes on instead of pj’s. The boys never said a word about changing clothes and hubby never noticed!

It is so funny how different we are! It was the first thing I noticed! In to the bath the boys went and the clothes went straight in the wash. A good scrubbing was needed on all accounts!

Hubby is currently a stay at home dad to our two boys. Capt. M is 5 and in Kindergarten and Mr. B is 3 and loves staying home with daddy all day. Join us as we chronicle our journey adjusting to daddy daycare.

Photo credit Rawku5

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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