Feel Great Plan Day 3: Strengthen Your Immunity

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Feel Great Plan Day 3: Strengthen Your Immunity

Dr. Oz created “Dr. Oz’s 5-Day Feel Great Plan” to improve five key aspects of your health: metabolism, immunity, brainpower, sleep habits and how you age.

Eat Garlic. It boosts your immune system by increasing the production of disease-fighting white blood cells.

Blood OrangesDrink Anything with Vitamin C. Try orange, grapefruit or papaya juice. Vitamin C is crucial to helping your immune system function well. People with vitamin C rich diets have shorter colds with milder symptoms. (Don’t miss eating/juicing Blood Oranges!)

Do Schedule a 30-minute walk. Make an appointment to work out. Research shows that people who exercise regularly have fewer colds than those who don’t (or hardly ever) break a sweat.

Garlic is added to many of our dishes at home—-try dicing it up in anything you are cooking! Garlic adds flavor besides just boosting your immune system. I (Litsa) have even tried garlic cloves juiced (added to my green juices)—not bad but I wouldn’t say this is a juice you want to drink mid-day! Garlic-breath!?! On the other hand, vitamin C fresh juices are perfect. Drink them straight. Or toss in your greens with the vitamin C! The two blended together are a perfect pair. As for walking for 30 minutes, you can do that! Start with your driveway—-walk and drink fresh juiced vitamin C or walk and scroll!?! If you are using social media, you have time to walk. We all do! Don’t talk yourself out of that leisure stroll or power walk!

How are we feeling?

I’m feeling great. Review Day 1 and Day 2 but get ready for Day 4 when we learn how to sleep like a baby!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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