Feel Great Plan Day 4: Sleep Like a Baby

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sleeping with dog

Feel Great Plan Day 4: Sleep Like a Baby

Dr. Oz created “Dr. Oz’s 5-Day Feel Great Plan” to improve five key aspects of your health: metabolism, immunity, brainpower, sleep habits and how you age.

Eat Wheat Germ. These small flakes are high in vitamin B6, which can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Try having 1 tsp. on yogurt or cereal about an hour before bed.

Drink Cherry Juice. Tart cherry juice is rich in melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your internal clock. Drink an 8 oz. glass (try it mixed with seltzer) two hours before bedtime.

eye mask

Do Wear an Eye Mask. It’s important to block out extra light. Even the smallest sliver of light can stimulate your nervous system and disrupt your sleep.

Of all the mini-tips in Dr. Oz’s 5-Day Feel Great plan, I (Litsa) can honestly say that I don’t adhere to these noted above. I’ve never embraced eating wheat germ, drinking cherry juice, nor wearing an eye mask. I may not sleep like a baby but I do sleep. Normally, I fall asleep within 30 minutes of lying down in a dark, dark room. Silvers of light do stimulate my brain into thinking it is time to get up and get moving. Prior to going to bed, I like to calm my mind by drinking a warm cup of dcaf coffee and/or chamomile tea—and evening getting the next day’s agenda lined out (a mini morning to do list), clothes laid out, etc. I’ll have to look into wheat germ’s B6, stress relieving flakes but if I had to guess, I get many of those from juicing vegetables and eating  nuts and bananas daily!

Do you sleep like a baby or do you need a little nudge in that department? Or is it that we want to wake refreshed like a baby?

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Dr. Oz’s 5 Day Feel Great Plan

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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