Grab a Deal: We Miss You

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miss youWhen you are out shopping at local or nearby retailers, do you leave them with the email they requested? Do you let them key in your cell phone number? Do you hold a credit card from their store? Each one of these questions may have different answers for each of you depending on your shopping strategies!

I (Litsa) personally like to pay cash for my retail transactions. However, I often find myself using my credit card so that I’m not handling cash during my transactions. Last year, I opted to open up a Victoria Secret credit card again to cash in on the deals they offered their cardholders. I also opted to open an Ann Taylor credit card to cash in on their deals. The freebies that I have received from both companies and the savings have been grand. When I forget to shop with them, I have received emails saying, “We Miss You!” And a cash value code to shop with them!?! Sometimes I use it and sometimes I don’t.

Recently, I received a ‘Miss You’ deal from Coldwater Creek for $25 off ANY purchase! I have only bought one top from them (last fall) with another $25 off coupon. They want my business back and I just may visit them. However, my purchases will be contingent upon MAXING out my savings for myself. Don’t fall in these “We Miss You” marketing ploys! Use them to your benefit—as I will with my Coldwater Creek money. I’ll purchase something as close to $25 as possible—sale racks and accessories are sure to please!

“We Miss You” marketing…..They do exist! Take advantage of them where/when you can!

Bing Photo Credit

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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