Kids in the Kitchen: Juicing

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JuicingThe week’s menu plan may be set—-and it may be easier to just toss dinner, snacks, juices, & more together alone in the kitchen!?! But it can also be FUN to incorporate little hands in the kitchen! One busy Saturday afternoon, my daughter and I (Litsa) had come in from a day out thrift store shopping for spring/summer bargains & lunch! We were scheduled to arrive home to unpack our treasures and pack for a mini family getaway! But I had a refrigerator FULL of fruits+ that needed to be juiced—-one for the road and two for our return home the next day. The kitchen was already a mess of “life” and my hands we full of soap suds when my little girl offered to help get the juicer ready!

I was impressed that she found all the parts with a few verbal directions. She insisted that she knew how the juicer went together. I watched and tried not to give directions until she needed to switch a part around! In under five minutes (with a few verbal directions), my almost six year old pulled together all the right parts and put the juicer together! We chatted as I washed and peeled fruits/veggies. She waited to juice my stash of superfoods! As a treat, I made this little face but didn’t say anything!?! As she reached for the juicing goods, she said, “First the eyes, then the nose, and eyebrows….” She didn’t miss a beat in enjoying her time in the kitchen.

When we allow our children in the kitchen to help us, we encourage them in multiple capacities—-messes will happen but learning will take place too. Our children watch us. They take visual cues and imitate us. They listen to us and create conversations amongst us. Additionally, they are surrounding themselves with food—elements of health. If we offer goods that feed their growing bodies and allow them to create juices & more with these superfoods, we’re supplying them with knowledge of what foods to keep coming back to time and time again!

Have you enjoyed your kids in the kitchen recently?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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