Try Something New: Kiwi Berries

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SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 049We took in a quick trip to Sam’s this week to restock meat for our freezer and couldn’t pass up strolling through the vegetable and fruit aisles for fresh produce! We were surprised to find something called, “Kiwi Berries”! The outer skin looked smooth and not fuzzy so I just had to take a bite. I opened up the plastic container and tasted just one! I do believe many other customers did the same because one plastic box was almost empty. When I bit into the berry, it looked just like a regular kiwi! Someone must have really used a magic wand! These kiwi berries were just slightly larger than a medium sized olive! I had to keep eating them so I bought a box of kiwi berries for $3.98—-but I still was inquisitive about these little green berries. Could they really be real fruit!?!

Read all about them HERE: Kiwi berries are one of the most exciting new fruits to come into the produce market in years. About the size of a grape, kiwi berries are a small variety of kiwi fruit that have a smooth, edible skin. The fuzz-free exterior makes it easy to pop this berry-like fruit into your mouth as a quick and delicious snack. They are also great in fruit salads! Kiwi berries are packed with flavor… but they have a short season, so get them while you can!

I’m not sure that we’ll find another box of kiwi berries before their season is up but we’ll enjoy every single kiwi berry in our box. They are sweet, tart, and delicious! Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side——-at least when it comes to kiwi! Have a kiwi berry instantly without the fuss of a fuzzy, brown skinned kiwi!

Have you tried anything new this week?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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