The Nibble Box

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Graze BoxMy (Litsa’s) first little box of snacks arrived today! It was sitting in the mailbox waiting for me! The box contained four samples—a prepacked selection. It was labeled, The Nibbler Box. It contained Bananas Foster, Black Pepper Pistachios, Tulti Frulti, & Boston Baguettes. Each one was individually wrapped and ready for snack time!

My daughter enjoyed the Boston Baguettes alongside her dinner salad instead of crackers. She ate every last one of the tasty mini baguettes but only after I sampled just one. The dipping sauce was delightful too!

I was pleased that our box of snacks arrived with “Nutrition Facts” since we often have guests in our house. I would want these facts on hand if needed for personal reference and/or for guest reference.

Graze is by invitation only but I’d love to invite you. Use this exclusive code LITSAJ8LB to get your graze snack boxes delivered to your door too! Each box is worth $6—was it worth it!?! Initially, I thought NO before tasting the two snack packs today! Their tastiness were worth the little extra cost and the element of surprise of snacks in the mailbox seemed like quite a treat too! Join. Give Graze a try and if you’re not completely satisfied, cancel your membership. You’ll get your first and fifth box FREE for giving Graze a try!?!

Now that’s a treat in and of itself!

Spread the graze! Joy & treat yourself—and family!

Picture from FB

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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