Save More at the Grocery Store: 2 Additional Tips

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grocery cartEarlier this week and month, you read about grocery store tips and learning how to be the BEST grocery shopper. Today, we have two more tips to reinforce “best” shopping practices to save you more time and money!

Tip#1:  Shop during grocery store’s (and retail store’s) downtime.

IF possible shop on your day off and/or at a downtime specific for your shopping location. For instance, shopping at our local Kroger at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon always tends to be a busy, busy time. The parking lot is full and the aisles are buzzing with people. However, shopping at a Super Target yesterday in a larger city (while there for a doctor’s visit) was perfect at 3:00 p.m. The aisles were empty and the red tag sticker sales were easier to spot and match up with the coupons in my binder! Finding that downtime for your favorite shopping stores will help you spot the best deals especially with a shopping list in hand and knowing where the products are located!

Tip #2: Know where to find grocery store’s clearance items.

Are you a Kroger shopper? Then, you already know that Kroger has specific locations in the store for “Manager’s Special” items that are priced to move. Earlier in the week, I was there shopping for lemons, blackberries, apples, etc. It wasn’t long before, I spotted another shopper with Glad containers and diapers in her shopping cart with rock bottom prices! I quickly moved about the store (with a toddler in tote) for those “locations” in our local Kroger to scope out what they had that we needed for our stockpile. There was nothing we needed in the first location. The second location had Ziploc containers slashed with “Manager Special” tags. Additionally, Oral B toothbrushes were there too—-priced at $0.45/toothbrush. Luckily, my coupon binder had Ziploc container coupons in it & Oral B toothbrushes in it! $2.50 for 6 Ziploc Containers & $0.15 for 2 Oral B toothbrushes after coupons were the perfect reason for this tip—learn where your “Manager Special” markdown locations are in your local Kroger (but don’t forget the frozen, refrigerated, & fruit/vegetables are in their ‘normal’ locations in the grocery stores.

Implementing these tips into your grocery store routine can add up to big savings. What are your tips for being the best shopper?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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