Story Starters: Encourage Storytelling for Kids

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Shelves of books fill our playroom walls. These books travel from the playroom to the bedroom where we read. As school nights have been filled with homework and slumber takes over, we sometimes forget the beautiful stories left sitting on the shelves. When we we are not reading these we’re often just creating our own stories.

Our story starters begin with a request, “Mommy, tell me a once upon a time story…” Sometimes I (Litsa) let my daughter pick her story of choice. Other times, we make it up using details from our day/lives—we intersperse those life details with personification and unrelated events. The stories take on funny tales! They delight. Sometimes they are retold on another night’s request. Other times they find us nestled in airports—these stories travel with us. Our story starters are just that: the start of a heart full of stories to tell, retell, share, remember, forget, fill pages in our journals—-sometimes they are forgotten—-at least the details are but the times we share telling stories always bind us together. It’s our time to bond as mother and daughter.

Sometimes they’re silly. Other times they comfort. They teach tolerance and/or understanding. They fill our lives——-the crevices that need something…….

Pull your children close. Give them the gift of story starters this spring and always make time for more stories.

Sometimes when we look at life backwards, our stories are the only voices we hear. We see the path they’ve taken and curiously wonder at the roads ahead.

Once upon a time…….

What story will you share tonight with your child(ren)?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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