Stuff, Stuff, Stuffy!?!

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Party dresses, heels, necklaces, teddy bears, make-up bags, wallets, and………….!?! Stuff! We all covet it in one capacity or another but when something else takes its place—something we like more, something we just have to have, or something that we need that must take residence in our closets/homes…….what happens to all that STUFF!?! Some pile it in…hiding it under beds, hallway closets, cubbies and more!?!

Stuff clutters my mind! It’s a little stuffy in my world!?!

Yes! I like my stuff too——really nice stuff! I love high cotton thread count sheets, bath towels that wrap all of me, my favorite coffee mug, my camera, laptop, heels……

We all have our lists of items we love….like….can’t live without but how much stuff do you allow to take residence in your home!?!

Do you buy items on sale because its a good price but can’t fathom what you’ll do with it?

How many years of toys, books, movies, clothes—-of your own, your child—–children’s!?! The questions could encompass as much room as stuff does!

Your family budget should begin to align which questions you should be asking yourself. Declutter this season and leave excess STUFF at the stores. Don’t bring it home if you don’t need it or can’t fathom where you’d place it.

Making decisions NOW will save your family from heartache when medical bills poor in, you lose a spouse, a job falls through and/or………life happens!

Photo Credit Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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