The LOVE List

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We all love to love and love to receive love! Right? What’s your Love Language?

This past Saturday, a friend and I discussed our love languages in relation to our spouses——–it is important to know your love language and communicate when your love tank is empty. Additionally, allowing those in our lives to fill our love needs is important! Thus, I wanted to highlight the fourteen tidbits that I read about in Publix’s Family Style Feb./Mar. 2013 publication that arrived in my mailbox last week.

  1. Cook with love. Devote an entire week to cooking your family’s requests. Grab some extra aprons–and chef’s hats, if you like!–and invite the kids to help. 
  2. Bake and take.
  3. Play charades with Sweethearts.
  4. Create compliments.
  5. Keep it secret.
  6. Dazzle up dessert.
  7. Grant a free pass.
  8. Stage a photo shoot.
  9. Make a date. Plan outings with each of your kids and decide together what to do. The one on one time will be especially memorable.
  10. Think out of the box.
  11. Rise, shine, and dine.
  12. Craft together.
  13. Write a note. Handwritten letters leave a lasting impact. Slip messages in lunch boxes, in your spouse’s car or on pillows.
  14. Wrap it up

I have highlighted only three of my favorites with the directions of each notation! Grab a copy of the Publix publication for FREE in their store and/or through the mail. I don’t have a Publix that I shop at in West Tennessee but love, love to visit their stores in Georgia! Coupons,Deals,&More just visited one of their Florida locations and found out that they advertise that they Love Couponers! And with the quality of products——and the well lit stores that I have visited, I do think I’d shop there if they moved in to our town! Kroger would have some competition beyond Wal-Mart!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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