Weight Watchers $4.99/year

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weight watchersI (Litsa) took off 25lbs in two years! I worked in a few WEIGHT WATCHER points to get me motivated——whole food eating and more! Dropped the excuses. Enlisted friends to encourage me. Weighed daily. Worked out—work out. Counted points with a free online WW calculator! Start somewhere for a healthier you—–and say, “Look at ME NOW!” You can start with this deal:

Tue, Oct 08 Subscribe to Weight Watchers, just $4.99/year from DiscountMags!

Use Promo Code: 0402

Then toss ALL processed foods and get your body’s natural energy back! I have never been as fit as I am now at 38!! Let yourself be encouraged with fitness/healthy eating magazines!

Log your goals, fitness, weight and more at Walgreens.com/dashboard—earn points that turn into dollars. Pay yourself back for working out! I do!!

Good luck getting to your first mini goal!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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