Winter Woes: High Utility Bills

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billThe second month of winter is just beginning to unfurl itself but the past two months of utility bills have already declared winter as a budget burden! Two sets of utility bills arrived for our home this week (one for the main house and one for the guest house)—-and another set is due in for the shop (a self employed construction husband’s house for tools, supplies & more)!?! Luckily, the utilities on the guest house are just the monthly fees (since it is vacant). However, as you can see above our figure is daunting for a family of three $600.28 with one income!

There is another mini income for our family: My mini blogging income and my couponing frenzy! Thus, it is my month to really organize what I do—execute the budget, make use of the stockpiles, and pay down debt. High utility bills cannot be allowed to control our joy but we can’t ignore them either. We have to expect one or two more high utility bills while old man winter throws his weight around. Additionally, we have to embrace our resources so that we can pay these higher utility bills and enjoy life in the present too.

As I begin to align our resources, I’m also thinking about others in this winter storm. How can I help them!?! Our family is not the only family with compounding utility debt. Thus, every resource that I have that can help others will be utilized too (i.e. Passing current magazines to friends to enjoy, giving a plate of leftovers to a single dad, a box of pasta to receptionist caring for her aging parents, etc.).

How are your utility bills hindering you and/or helping you find yet another way to utilize your resources!?!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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