Edible ABCs: Apples, Bananas, Carrots, & More

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I (Litsa) love the images of fruits and vegetables that skim the pages of my health and fitness magazines! They inspire me to eat clean and continuously reinvent what I’m eating—-and what I’m serving to my young daughter, age 5.5! She loves everything I eat. If I’m not eating broccoli, she’s not. If I snack on apples and cantaloupe she does too. Many times certain fruits and vegetables are not on our grocery list when we arrive at Kroger and she’s quickly saying, “Yummy! Yummy!” as they attract her little hands and eyes. She continues with “Mommy, we haven’t had…….in a long time!”

Create your own ABC’ of Fruits and Vegetables—-a collage of images from magazines and/or your own photos to remind you that there are MANY, Many, many…….many fruits and vegetables to eat in a week’s time—over the course of a month……or seasonal ones to try each season!?!

You too can MINIMIZE sodium, processed foods——–and up your intake of colorful fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds to eliminate toxins from your life!

Make your list…….

A is for apples but have you had artichokes lately!?!

B is for bananas but have you had brussel sprouts this month?

C is for carrots but have you had cauliflower?

D is for dill weed—-add it to a salad….works well on Romain Lettuce!

E is for eggplant. F is for…….

Learn about new fruits and vegetables as you explore what your grocery has in store for you!

Make 2014 a colorful fruit and vegetable journey!

Photo Credit Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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