What Do I Juice First!?!

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carrot-gingerIf you are thinking about trying the Juicing Challenge and/or introducing your body to fresh juices, you might be asking yourself what do I juice first!?! Really, there’s no right answer. YOU can start where you are comfortable. If you like oranges, juice oranges. If you like carrots, juice carrots. Then, add NEW ingredients that you don’t always consume—like ginger.

With the juicing challenge, you’ll be given recipes to try (via email for free). You can use them as a starting point too. Or if you are pressed for time—or you like to be a little more daring—try your own!

Today, I (Litsa) took a list of ingredients that I needed to buy from the produce section at Kroger with me. However, I didn’t bring home EVERYTHING I needed because I was watching prices too! I didn’t want my juicing challenge to challenge my budget. Thus, I brought home produce that was affordable to finish out my first week of juicing. I’ll revisit the produce section this weekend for additional closeout deals. Keeping your juicing ingredient list flexible is key too. Share it with a friend to TRY more of a variety of juices—-or a family member!

My daughter (5.5) consumed a bag of carrots alone——fresh carrot juice is her FAVORITE. A friend and I enjoyed another concoction of carrots, ginger, spinach, cucumbers, and pineapple. Already my ingredients are being consumed…….

Pick a starting point. Go JUICE!

Other Juicing Posts:
A 21 Day Juicing Challenge
The Power of Juicing
Want Vitality & Health: Buy Juicing Recipes

 Carrot/Ginger Photo Credit via Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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