Kroger Closeouts Continue

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unnamedAre you looking for closeouts at Kroger? Among the Kroger weekly deals, remember that you may stumble upon great CLOSEOUT stickers on your favorite brands. Or some that you may want to share with a relative and/or friend!?! These Crystal Light canisters would be great items to buy now and save for summer drinks—-or add to a gift basket for teacher appreciation week or….

You decide! But don’t forget to LOOK high and low for these great closeout deals. I (Litsa) also spotted closeouts on Febreze candles ($0.64 with Kroger eCoupon down from $3)! Additionally, I saw Lysol disinfectant spray for only $1.48—great to donate to classrooms or add to your own stockpiles!

unnamedMy (Litsa’s) personal closeout treat today was produce….spinach, oranges, apples, colored peppers, brussel sprouts, and more!! produceFor under $20, I was about to bring home three or four Kroger bags full of produce that I will use to cook with throughout the next few days—-and juice! It has been challenging to find closeout prices on produce these past few weeks since everyone is EATING HEALTHY for the new year!?! Possibly…my own theory!?! But today, I scored the jackpot on produce.

I arrived at Kroger around 8:30 a.m. which is a great time to get first dibs on reduced produce! IF you are at work at that time, see if a friend and/or relative can shop for you. In return trade out something you can do for them—-balancing your time and money is important. And if you are sharing with a friend….keep things even with them too!! It’s only fair—time is money but money isn’t time!?!

Enjoy your weekly Kroger savings!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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