Lightning Strike

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We had a thunderstorm pop-up this evening that produced heavy rain and lightning. I was washing potatoes at the sink when all of the sudden we heard a loud boom. I jumped and yelled out. Yes, it was that loud that it vibrated through your body. If you have been near a lightning strike before you know it rattles you.

We have a ton of windows in our house so we also saw a very bright flash of light. We knew that the lightning strike was on our property.

Lightning Strike

As I called for the boys to come to the center of the house, hubby’s phone rang. It was one of our neighbors calling to check on us. He was also watching out his window when the lightning struck and could tell it was near us.

After the rain stopped, we went out to investigate. We found the above oak tree split open from root to tree top. It was a good lesson for the boys to see. We often hear thunder and have the boys come inside. They really didn’t understand the reasoning behind this since the thunder was off in the distance. It just happens that my boys were out playing about 15 minutes before the lightning strike. The complained about coming inside but I am so glad we made them come in! These storms really come through quickly here!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Glad everyone is ok, Renae! I would have jumped too.
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