A Mediterranean Staple: Olives

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olive canOlives are a Mediterranean staple. They are always served with every meal when I’m visiting Greece and/or my parents house. You can be sure to find a bowl of olives sitting in olive oil on the kitchen counter top and/or in the refrigerator at my family’s home (Litsa’s).

Every variety of olive has its own flavors and colors. Some olives are green. Others are black and some olives omit even a purple color too. Their skin is smooth and edible but sometimes olives are wrinkled and look like prunes. Some olives that I’ve tried from my aunt’s village in Greece are massive gumball sized round olives—oh.my.just.thinking. about the flavor makes me wish I had a bowl of them.

olives in salad

Olive’s briny, piquant flavor brings ordinary dishes to life. Top homemade pizza with olives. Toss a few in your salads. Or in a pasta dish perhaps!?! But not just any olive….sure the varieties on your grocery shelf are great but venture out this season and try the many different varieties of olives that your local Whole Foods and/or international markets may have.

Olives are rich in monounsaturated fats that help protect your heart and antioxidants that reduce inflammation. So if you can’t decide which recipe to add your olives too, don’t miss the opportunity to have a few each day. Three or four—or serve an olive tapenade on toasted baguettes. Your ‘salty’ taste buds will thank you.

What type of olives do you enjoy adding to your meals?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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