A Reflection: Whole Foods vs. Restaurant Foods

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I (Litsa) just finished a side of Multigrain Tabouli from Whole Foods Market and a fresh Spinach salad with a few items I had on hand in my refrigerator: Spinach, cilantro, strawberries, green peppers, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, & pepper. Both whole food dishes were simple but decadent and I was quickly making mental note after mental note to continue to eat like this versus indulging in restaurant dishes loaded in calories but most importantly ingredients that my body doesn’t respond well too.

Last night, our family took the opportunity to eat out at a local Mexican restaurant in town. I opted for a light salad—lettuce, tomato, and guacamole. However, I ate too many chips and salsa—-and finished my husband’s plate. It was just a small dish of beans, sour cream, and shrimp but the grease on it was enough to make me wish I hadn’t indulged in it! I woke up early this morning THIRSTING for water—-sodium levels….and again this morning while lounging around the house. I noticed that my body needed more water to remove the toxins out of my system.

Now, I’m not against eating out! Everyone needs a break from the kitchen and I grew up in a restaurant from ten months until I received my first teaching job! Even then, I returned to the restaurants on weekend and long teaching breaks to hang out with my parents! I love those experiences and would not trade them for the world—-I might even re-reflect on this post IF I could have my parent’s pizza one more time! However, they are finished with their restaurant days and none of my siblings and I followed in their footsteps.

Luckily, I was able to enjoy my mother’s cooking all summer long. Her Mediterranean dishes and fresh, whole foods from local gardens in Greece have altered how I view food. Six weeks of clean eating has altered my taste buds and how my body feels—energized! Thus, I believe that whole foods really matter! If you are eating out, choose wisely. If you’re eliminating processed foods from your kitchen at home, pay attention to how your body feels.

What are you eating? Is your body thanking you for re-energizing it? If you need some help with quick and easy clean foods, remember to checkout the Eat Clean List we posted about!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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