The Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever

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I sit here writing to you tonight full of emotion. I had one of those mommy moments today that was so scary. In the end, everything turned out okay. If you are a mom, I am sure you have had similar experiences as the one I am going to tell you about.

Hubby called me on my lunch hour and reported about Capt. M’s fantastic performance at gymnastics. He really impressed many of his coaches today. After chatting for a few minutes, I hung up.

About 15 minutes latter my phone rings again- it’s hubby. Weird. I just told him I was going to eat lunch and I would call him later. I answered and hubby said calmly “Capt. M fell and he is hurt. He had a metal pipe in his hand and he fell on top of it.”

My heart sunk, my mind raced. My coworker senses my panic and starts comforting me. A million images of horrible things race through my head in that split second before I can speak.

Hubby explains that there is an abrasion on his ribs but he is complaining of his stomach hurting. I hear crying. I wish I could time warp to my home to hug my baby.

We talk for a couple of minutes trying to figure out an action plan. Hubby didn’t actually see the event happen but knows the pipe left a perfectly round circle on Capt. M’s rib cage- but did it hit his stomach before it hit his ribs? One of the toughest decision as a parent is trying to figure out when your child is truly hurt needing professional help. Hubby decides to bring Capt. M to my work for me and my coworkers to evaluate the injury.

There was some slight swelling but only around the abrasion on the ribs. He stopped crying by the time he got to my office which was a good sign. After staying an hour at my office we determine that he is fine and doesn’t need further medical attention.

Although Capt. M is fine, I am overcome with emotion tonight. I am so thankful that pipe hit his ribs. I know his ribs will be sore but it could have been so much worse if it hit the soft tissue of his abdomen.

I am so honored to be the mom to Capt. M and Mr. B. They are the best Mother’s Day gift ever- I don’t need gifts, I just need my boys safe, healthy and happy!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Oh, Renae! Those moments really put life into perspective, don’t they!?! Glad that Capt M is doing fine! Enjoy those cuddles!

    • Hi Heather,
      Yes, life is put into perspective during these moments. Instead of blogging after dinner, I took the time to cuddle on the couch with Capt. M. All he wanted was momma and I gave him my full attention! I need to make it a point to do that every day- no matter how busy I am. Happy {early} Mother’s Day to you!

  2. I had one those when my daughter was started walking. I was at the Chiropractor and my daughter was being watched outside in the waiting room with my hubbie. And I was done and getting dressed and how scream my daughter was walking up the ramp and sippy cup in the mouth fell and you can imagine what happened! She bites her mouth hard enough to get 2 stitches, Oh by the way did I mentioned that I was on crutches and couldn’t put weight on my rt leg. We did not know the area to much. Thank God! The Chiropractor was christian and was able to get us where we needed to go. The worse thing for me was when I was waiting room of the clinc we went to while they took care of my baby screaming her head off. My husband was in the back it took about 4 people hold down and she still managed to get out of constraint.

    • Hi Susan
      Thank you for sharing your story. That is scary! I am so glad your daughter was okay in the long run. There is nothing worse than hearing your child cry in pain- truly heartbreaking. Happy Mother’s Day to you!