A Tradition vs. A Health Cost

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IMG_3948It’s a tradition in our part of the state to drive to the lake on Sunday to have fish—plates and plates of ALL YOU CAN EAT fish that is served with fries, onion rings, hush puppies, slaw, and biscuits! There’s no written tradition rule. Some families venture to the lake every Sunday—others once a month. Ours—maybe once a year!?! Maybe more….but not often. I love tradition. I (Litsa) love family time so I suggested we drive to the lake for fish. I didn’t even consider the health cost. I had thought through hours in the truck to the city to spend just two there before heading home so I thought the lake for lunch was a safer plan for Sunday! It wasn’t in terms of health cost.

On the way to the lake, I was already famished (I guess unconsciously, I must have thought about these heaping plates of fish). Thus, I was snacking on sunflower seeds only to find they were loaded in cottonseed oil that’s not so great for me!?!  At the table, the menu beamed with the ALL YOU CAN EAT deal but I opted for a three piece fish fillet plate that my daughter would help me eat. The cost was cheaper in terms of dollars. My husband’s fish plate and my own arrived——I ate and ate and ate. I drank water.


Afterwards, we walked around the lake exploring. The autumn sun beamed on us but the energy levels were not there. The drive home promised a nap. Not that Sunday naps are a bad option. I indulged in an hour nap. Then Monday arrived and Tuesday and Wednesday! Finally, I felt like myself. My energy levels were returning. In this time frame, my juicer was waiting a replacement lift basket. Thus, it was out of commission along with me.

The lesson that I learned was that traditions are wonderful. I will still seek going to the lake on Sunday with my family but I will opt for salad for lunch. Eating clean is geared for me. Now that I have completely embraced it, my body can not tolerate the heaping piles of fried foods. I eat fried homemade fries and eggplant—-and other seasonal vegetables but controlling how much oil is used, what type of oil (olive oil for me), etc. all play a role in how I feel.

As you and I venture into the holiday season, let’s keep traditions on the table but still consider the health costs for ourselves and our families. I want to feel great all week not just one hour over indulging in foods that are foreign to my body.

Food choices + Family time are TRADITIONS for functional fuel for me—but I’m considering ALL costs from this point forward.

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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