Why Do You Coupon?

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I was thinking about you all today- yes you the readers! I am curious as to why you use coupons? Not that it matters much, I just want to get to know you all better.

Coupons are a way of life for me. I have always been a bargain shopper and used coupons because my mom always did. I was taught to never pay full price. Why pay full price if you can get it cheaper?

Even though I have always used coupons, three years ago is when I got serious about it. At the time I was working two days a week and my oldest was just under a year old. My husbands job was not as stable and I really wanted to keep the part time position. That is when I learned about CVS and that I could get our health and beauty products for free.

Since that time our financial situation has had ups and downs. Although we have had some very good times, I still bargain shopped. It is part of me- I love finding a good deal! Plus, I just can’t fork over our hard earned cash if I know I can get something for a better price.

So why do you coupon? Is it a necessity or do you like the challenge of the game?

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. My couponing story is a bit long, I’m originally Irish, met a boy, fell in love, he bought an apartment for us and as soon as we’d furnished it all (mostly on credit cards) we got the word that his company wanted to transfer him to the US (they’d said they wouldn’t do that for 3-5 years which would have given us plenty of time to clear our credit card debt).

    We had to sell his almost new car for a fraction of what it was worth due to the economy and market, the housing market bombed so we were in negative equity (by a LOT) and couldn’t sell our apartment and were moved to the US. So we’re getting paid in dollars but paying a fixed (high) mortgage in sterling – which SUCKS.

    Once here, we again had to furnish the house (we rented unfurnished) which we are doing a little at a time (we’ve been here nearly 2 years and I still have empty rooms) but again it’s mostly on credit.

    October 2010 we got married and paid for our wedding (mostly ourselves which meant we’ve still got all our debt from before as every penny we had went in to the wedding) and we’ve not had our honeymoon cause we can’t afford it, December 2010 I had to have surgery which added to the pile of bills coming in (which sucks cause bills come in from 2 countries!).

    Essentially, I do it cause I can’t work here and want to contribute as best I can to lowering our outstanding debt. If I can stock up on things when they’re a $1 to save spending $4+ on them when we run out – then that’s what I’m gonna do!!

    For almost the entire first year of living here, I didn’t know there were coupons at all. But last year a friend of mine introduced me to them and I’ve been couponing ever since.

    Most of the things I buy aren’t coupon-able, they are fresh produce/meat and we all know that processed packaged food have some of the best coupon-deals but I do save a lot. I’ve not bought deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, showergel, mens shampoo etc in about a year now and I’ve just started working on the other areas in my stock pile, I’m currently working on meat and cleaning products to help us out a little with the more expensive side of our grocery bill, but it’s slow going!

    Anyways, that was WAY longer than I intended – sorry!!

    • Hi Las!
      I loved reading your story. You have had a tough few years. I am so glad you found coupons here in the US! I agree that there are not always coupons for healthy food. But you are doing well on getting the free health and beauty products. One thing I do to save on meat and produce is to know my prices. I buy in season and plan my menu around what is on sale that week or what is in the freezer.

      Keep up the good work!

      • Thanks (and for all your great tips and hints!) :)

        I’ve started to learn what a good and great price to stock up on meat. I filled my freezer full of the Wholefoods organic chickens last week so that’s a start!

  2. When I first discovered couponing, it was exciting. Going from store to store and getting things for FREE! I loved it (still do)! Once I had established my stockpile, I slowed down a little (didn’t go to every store to get every deal) but I was still saving a ton. That’s when I realized we could probably make it with just one income. So, we did that for a year before I quit my job to stay home with my kids. And, now, I coupon to help us stay above water and out of debt since my husband was laid off. Another big thing is that we are able to give so much more! We wouldn’t be able to give a lot financially but the amount of groceries I am able to get for FREE or close to FREE and give away is amazing! Couponing has been such a blessing to us and has allowed us to bless others!

    • Hi Heather,
      I too used to go to more stores. I love the hunt of a good bargain! I don’t do the drug store deals as much anymore since we are so stocked on health & beauty stuff. I agree that couponing is a great way to be able donate items. We can’t donate a lot of money but I can give health items and food!

  3. My husband and I have been useing coupons since we married 11 years ago. We also live fairly frugally. We moved to Utah 5 years ago and have been inspired by neighbors who prioritize food storage. We (five of us now) could probably live decently in the basement with a colman stove for 2 months (not including water). I just feel more confident and secure for the ‘just in case’.
    I really do like the game of it though. I love ‘buying’ free toothpaste, I love hitting a new record savings ($102 is my current record), I just think it is the right thing to do.
    I believe in traditional family values and that the mother cares for the children in home, (that’s just my opinion, to each his own) so I view my savings as part of my job, it’s my “income”. I can controll how much I spend on groceries and other essentials…I can’t control the stock market or the national economy.

    • Hi Debi,
      It is nice having a stockpile! I have done a challenge before where I primarily made meals for one month based on items in my freezer and pantry. I had no problem getting through the month! I did buy fresh produce and milk though. Congrats on your savings amount- that is awesome! Keep up the good work!

  4. Well my couponing started quite by accident. I had been struggling with my weight all my life. One day about two years ago the Lord convicted me of my weight so I started loosing the pounds. During this time a friend of mine joined in with me and we both lost. I lost 65 pounds!! At the end of that year my friend and I were talking and she was telling me about a gospel group that her grandson liked and shared a website for me to look at that had a sample of their music on it. Well that website was started by a local woman that is a coupon queen. I began to read her articles and became interested in the couponing “game” then began my journey. That was almost a year ago. I have since then had to empty a linen closet, under the bed and an extra bedroom closet to fill with my stockpile. I began to feel that I needed to share my extras with others so I talked with my pastor about starting a food pantry at church, we did. Then I began to think that I needed to share my new information with the families in my church because a lot of the dad’s had lost their jobs and the families were in need. So I organized a coupon class and it has helped all the families who attended. So now I thank the Lord for #1 my weight loss and then leading me to sites like this one to help me with my family and then to pass it on to others. I love helping others and couponing. Thank you for your site. I really enjoy receiving your emails!!!

    • Barbara,
      What a great story! I love that you are helping other people. So many people need it right now. I fear that the economy is going to take a down turn again with the rising cost of gas. Wish they had coupons for gas!

      Thanks for sharing your story with us!