July: Journal Prompts & Theme Days

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It’s the first week of July and we’re in the depths of summertime! As the summer is unfolding, encourage your child to write with summer journals and unearth the many sweet adventures of books. Here are a few July journal prompts and theme days to help sweeten your writing/creative adventures:

  • Do you like popsicles? What flavor is your favorite?
  • What’s your favorite July 4th activity?
  • Do you know what the American Flag looks like? What is it composed of?
  • What is your favorite way to travel?
  • What did the mailman bring today? (Help children learn how to categorize mail: Catalogs, bills, magazines, junk mail, etc.)
  • If you could go anywhere today, where would you go?
  • Create a grocery list.
  • Make a list of five or more grains.
  • What is junk food?
  • What is growing in your garden/yard?
  • Have you been to the local farmer’s market? What did you see/do?
  • What type of books do you like to read? Why?
  • Can you think of something silly that rhymes? Create a silly poem or sentence with your rhyming words.
  • Some days are yellow. Some are blue. What color day are you having today? (Read Dr. Seuss, My Many Colored Days)
  • Do you like to play outside?
  • What’s your favorite desert?
  • Are you a good helper around the house? How do you help out?
  • If trees and flowers in your yard could talk, what do you think they’d say?
  • Have you looked up in the sky today? What do/did you see?
  • If you were invisible today, how do you think your parents would react?
  • Make a list of vegetables. How many can you think of today?
  • Make a list of fruit. How many can you think of today?
  • Have you ever seen the food pyramid? What do you think about it?

Here are a few special days to remember in July too! Create themes around these special days. Create projects with the child(ren), as a family write about them, and document them with special snapshots!

  • July 7th: National Strawberry Sundae Day is your opportunity to indulge yourself in this delicious dessert. Strawberries are one of America’s favorite fruits. When the strawberries ripen each year, it’s time to celebrate. Many communities hold strawberry festivals to celebrate the harvest. At the festivals, strawberries take center stage. They are in the ingredients of hundreds of recipes. Don’t miss out on this Strawberry Cake—add it to a side of vanilla bean ice-cream. Toss in fresh strawberries & serve! It’s delicious!!
  • July 21st: To some people, every day is Junk Food Day. For the rest of us, National Junk Food Day is an opportunity to guiltlessly eat your favorite junk food. Dietitians will tell you that junk food is any food that contains little nutritional value. We also include foods that are high in salts, fats, and sugars. In other words, junk food is all that tasty stuff that the dietitians and Mom, consider to be bad for us.On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it’s back to a healthy diet.
  • July 28th: National Milk Chocolate Day is a special day for a special treat. Are you a “Chocola-holic”? If you are, you look forward to each and every chocolate related holidays. There are lots of flavors of chocolate. Milk chocolate is enjoyed in candies and in baking. Milk chocolate is the favorite of millions of people. So, its only fitting that it gets its very own special national day. Important Note: Don’t be dyslexic about this special day. Today is a day for Milk Chocolate, not Chocolate Milk Day. How about trying Renae’s Homemade Chocolate Syrup today?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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