Best Juicer for Juicing | Masticating Juicer

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We have shared with you over the last few weeks several juicing recipes and tips. Litsa and I are true believers in the power of juicing! I have been juicing for about a year and a half on a consistent basis. My body craves juice and I try not to go more than three days without having a cold glass of freshly pressed juice. If you are curious about juicing, the type of juicer you use does make a difference. I wanted to give you a little background on the type of juicer to invest in.

Masticating vs. Centrifugal

I highly suggest you invest in a masticating juicer which is also known as a slow speed juicer. Masticating juicers rotate at a slow speed so they don’t destroy the beneficial enzymes in the produce. Masticating juicers also remove more juice from the produce. The biggest benefit for me is that juice from a masticating juicer can last in the refrigerator for 72 hours. I usually make three days of juice at a time.

A centrifugal juicer uses higher watts in the motor which means higher rpms. The beneficial enzymes in the produce are destroyed and the juice is not able to be stored for a length of time. Centrifugal juicers are not as efficient at extracting juice from fruits and vegetables as masticating juicers either.

So what brand should I get?

omega juicer

I have an Omega Nutrition Center Juicer which retails for about $220. It can also make pasta and act as a food processor. I bought my Omega juicer second hand and have used it week after week for over a year with no problems.

Breville Juice FountainAnother option is the Breville Fountain Crush which retails for about $300. the Breville is an upright masticating juicer that has wonderful reviews. I haven’t personally used this machine, but I have heard good things.

A juicer is an investment for your health. Invest in a good juicer to get the most out of the produce you use.

You can find more information about juicing in the following posts:

Try Something New: Juicing

21 Day Juicing Challenge

The Power of Juicing

Vegetable Juicing Vs. Blending

Health Benefits of Juicing

Other juicing recipes: Apple, Carrot & Spinach Juice,, Super Juice RecipeĀ , Pineapple Carrot Zinger and Apple, Carrot & Celery Juice.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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