Testing for 7th Kyu Karate Belt

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high green belt test

Last weekend my boys and I tested for our 7th kyu high green belt in Shotokan karate. Our dojo divides the tests into beginner and advanced depending on what kyu belt you are going for. This was the last beginner test for the three of us. It’s an exciting milestone for sure!

The 7th kyu belt test consists of demonstrating techniques such as blocks, strikes and kicks. There are also three katas (forms) to demonstrate along with kihons (basic techniques). My boys and I were well prepared for this test physically.

The hardest part of the test was the mental focus. Mr. B (age 7) was one of Shihan’s targets since he started crying five minutes into the test. As Shihan tells the kids, he wants to be the biggest bully there is and push the kids out of their comfort zone. This isn’t because he enjoys picking on kids. It comes down to defense. If the testers are able to gain focus and continue when they are pushed to their limits, they will be able to handle anything thrown at them in the real world. Being on the test having to maintain my focus as Mr. B cried and had to make the decision to carry on was so tough on my heart! Fortunately, Mr. B pulled himself together and did great. I was really proud of him.

The test took about an hour and a half. During that time we also performed about 140 pushups – actually a low number compared to previous tests. The next time we test, we will be on the advanced test which is between 5 to 6 hours long and consists of a 3 to 4 mile run. I’m a little anxious about that considering Mr. B is only 7! I’ve seen other little’s do it though so I’m sure he’ll do great when we get there.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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