Tips to Help Kroger Shoppers Save More

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Are you a Kroger shopper? Kroger How to Have it All followers can be successfully with a few specific steps.

First and foremost, you will want to make a specific shopping list that meets your family’s weekly grocery budget and meal planning. Make sure to take advantage of pairing up sales on vegetables, meat, and fruit for your meal planning until stockpiles are created. This can easily be achieved by viewing Kroger’s advertised and unadvertised deals. It will help you as a novice and/or avid couponista save the most money. Additionally, check Catalina offers against your grocery list. Sometimes it is worth buying an extra product if it will generate a catalina.

Secondly, you will want to pull out coupons that you know you will use based on what’s written on your grocery list. I like to put a star next to items on my grocery list that I have a coupon to hand the cashier. At the bottom of your grocery list, you can even take a few minutes to jot down a few items that you are almost out of and/or need for your stockpiles. If these items are at rock bottom prices, you can purchase them if they fit into your weekly grocery budget.

Thirdly, take an ink pen with you. As you place the item in your shopping cart at Kroger jot down the price on your grocery list and/or remember it mentally (if feasible with the list of items you are buying). After you’ve checked out, be sure to check your receipt. Inventory does ring up incorrectly more often than you think. Returning to the customer service desk to inquire about a price will only take a few minutes but may save you more than you realize. Kroger’s scan right guarnatee protects you when an item rings up incorrectly. If the item is under $5.00, you will receive the item for FREE and get a full refund. This month alone I have received free pistachios, deli salsa, frozen berries—all because the prices of these items were more than the ticketed price at the place I picked them up at in the store. Some of the tags were expired tags but the manager on duty still gave me the refund and the product due to the Price Scan Guarantee policy that protects the customer!

Don’t forget to watch those gas points too! The gas savings will add up with the prediction of rising gas costs.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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