Eat to Fight Allergies

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This question, “Already in a runny-nose-and-scratchy-throat state of desperation?” caught my attention when I was rereading my spring issue Redbook magazine. Randy Horwitz, M.D. recommended edible medicine. As I looked over the list, I was checking it twice to make sure that I was serving my daughter, who suffers from West Tennessee allergies, the foods she needs! Her allergies keep me challenged as I determine along with her pediatrician what to do to best give her the relief she needs. I don’t want Claritin and breathing treatments to define the season if her diet can help her from the inside out.

Here’s the list that Dr. Horwitz, a medical director at the Arizon Center for Integrative Medicine shared as edible medicine for fighting allergies:

Oranges: Quercetin gives oranges their color, and keeps your body from reacting so strongly to pollen. “Apples and onions have quercetin too,” says Horwitz, “but with oranges, you also get an extra anti-allergy boost from the vitamin C.”

Salmon: Its omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties to help ease your runny nose and itchy eyes. Horwitz recommends eating fatty fish every other day; vegetarians can sprinkle walnuts or flaxseed on cereal.

Greek Yogurt: A study from the University of California, Davis, found that a cup of yogurt a day can soothe seasonal allergy symptoms, thanks to the live cultures. (Don’t miss all of our Greek Yogurt Recipes–search for your favorites and/or visit the recipe index!!)

Green or White Tea: These drinks contain compounds called catechins, which block the creation of histamines (the chemicals that cause allergy symptoms).

Turmeric: The spice, crucial for tasty curries, also packs a potent anti-allergy kick. “Use it liberally,” says  Horwitz. “It’s the best natural anti-inflammatory we have.”

Credit Information: Redbook/Kim Tranell/Randy Horwitz, M.D.

What a simple list to keep handy and embrace in small doses for yourself and/or your child(ren)! What’s healthy and natural should always be our edible choice whether medicinal for allergies and/or overall healthy! What are you eating and/or serving yourself and/or family tonight?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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