Finding Motivation to Exercise

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fitness motivation

As we enter the new year, one of the number one resolutions (or New Year’s Goals) will be to get fit. Every January gym memberships go up considerably. Sadly by February, most memberships will go unused. I know we all have good intentions. The problem is is takes 21 days to develop a new habit. And exercise is just that, a habit. Now that I have been exercising regularly for about 3 years, I crave exercise. I never thought I would be a person who likes to workout. I am currently working out 5-6 days a week. As long as I stick with my routine, I have no problem being motivated to workout. But when I get off my routine, I am miserable.

So what motivates you?

Exercise should be fun. If you don’t enjoy it, you most likely won’t stick with it. Try changing up your routine. Maybe try a new sport, a new class or a different weight lifting routine. Last year I started karate. I absolutely love it! In fact when the dojo is closed, it makes me anxious. I crave those classes. It doesn’t seem like exercise since I enjoy it so much.

I found that my motivation comes from my competitiveness. Yes, I am an extremely competitive person. If I am left to workout on my own, I don’t do as well. I have a hard time pushing myself. However, if I am working with my coach or along my friends at the dojo, I have no problem pushing my body to its limits. In theory I should compete against myself. But I always find it easier when there is someone else working out with me. Most of the time the other person doesn’t know I am competing against them – it’s all in my head!

If you are trying to build your exercise habit, make sure you checkout my tips on how to start an exercise routine. I also found it is easier to get moving if you involve your kids in your fitness routine!

Remember what motivates one person, might not work or you. Really evaluate yourself and determine what makes you get moving. Once you find out what motivates you, build a support system to keep you accountable.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. You’re amazing. I tend to get my motivation of working out by competing against others lol. It’s how I keep up at a face pace during my run outside or on the elliptical.
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